Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Spent our 5 Year Anniversary at Loews Resort in Tucson
I am a big fan of 5-star resorts, it really fits the whole 5-year anniversary celebration. I have photos of us hiking and coming across a 50-foot waterfall that I will post soon. If you ever have the opportunity to stay at a Loews resort...do it. Brian said that it felt like we were in Hawaii when we spent the day by the pool because they serve fruit-flavored water, cold cucumbers and ice cold towels. Oh and of course the delicious pool-side restaraunt won him over. Men! ; ) Speaking of Hawaii....I will be there in two days for the weekend. I will update y'all on that later.
I'm TRAMATIZED...Brian nearly cut his finger off!
I am still TRAMATIZED from sunday night. Brian nearly cut his finger off with his army knife while he was working on the sprinkler line in the backyard. I didn't know anything was wrong until he knocked on the glass door at the back of the house. When I got to the door I realized that something was wrong. He was holding his finger and he was looking at me very strange. He said really slowly..."I....need....a....towell." I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a few napkins, when I turned around he was gone. I found him in the bathroom and asked..."Did you cut yourself? ...Nedd help with the bandaid?" It was then that I saw blood all over his clothes and his white shoes were red. Then he turned and looked at me, his eyes rolled in the back of his head and he fell backward into the wall. Of course, I reached out to grab him but his head hit the wall twice on the way down and he was out for 30 seconds (long enough for me to scream for my sister about 8 times) I honestly didn't think he would wake up because he smacked his head on the towell bar on his way down. I have never seen someone pass out, let alone the person that matters most to me in this world. It was the longest 30 seconds of my life! Three hours in the ER, 4 stitches and we need a new towell bar! Crazy.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Kailen's 22nd B-day Blast!

We celebrated my 22nd Birthday last night. It is hard to believe that I am 22 already. The last few years have just flown by...in a good way. I knew last night was going to be fun...but I had no idea what I was in store for. I am seriously the luckiest girl on the planet. I have the most amazing friends that would do anything for me and the best guy on planet earth. I figured last night would be a blast, but I thought it was going to be hard to beat my 21st birthday that we spent with our closest friends in Vegas. But...I was wrong. This b-day was just as good as the last. Dinner for 15 at my favorite restaraunt, complete with saki started the whole thing off. Then, we had a power hour at my girlfriends house and spent the rest of the night on Mill St. in Tempe. We took way too many pictures and had way too many drinks. But that's what being young is all about. Isn't it? Enjoyig it and living it up while we can with the ones we love. There are a ton of pictures on my facebook...but here are a few of my favorite ones. 

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Gearing up for a birthday celebration!
It really is sooo hard to keep up with a blog these days. If I didn't work 40+ hours a week I would update everyday. But whatev, I love money and work=money. LOL. I am so happy it is Satuday right now it is not even funny. Brian is still sleeping cause he was out with the boys last night. I think he rolled in around three a.m.! Boys these days. I don't even want to know what kinda trouble he got into last night. Hahaha! I can't hate though, I did the same thing with the girls last week. ; )
As I mentioned in the headline of this post we are gearing up for a birthday celebration. I will be 22 years old this Wednesday! I am excited...I love birthdays and I love getting older, not that 22 is old. Anyway...I am excited to see what Brian has up his sleeve. He is so great at surprises and he is like the master of special occasions. I will be sure to check back in and let you know what we did.
Another anniversary is almost here for us and we are trying to decide what to do. Brian really wants to go on a 4 day cruise...so we are looking into that. He has never been on a cruise and thinks it would be a really good way to celebrate our 5 year. Where should we go?
We got back from California a few weeks ago...we went to the Red Bull Air Races for Brians B-day. We seriously had an absolute blast. As life gets harder with bills, our careers and all that, it is really nice to get away and play together. Brian and I are such "adults" when we are apart but when we are together we bring out the kids in each other...and I love that. B and I got together when I was 17 and I still feel 17 today because he is in my life reminding me everyday that life is fun and doesn't need to be taken so seriously. Can't imagine life without him. Love you boo.
As I mentioned in the headline of this post we are gearing up for a birthday celebration. I will be 22 years old this Wednesday! I am excited...I love birthdays and I love getting older, not that 22 is old. Anyway...I am excited to see what Brian has up his sleeve. He is so great at surprises and he is like the master of special occasions. I will be sure to check back in and let you know what we did.
Another anniversary is almost here for us and we are trying to decide what to do. Brian really wants to go on a 4 day cruise...so we are looking into that. He has never been on a cruise and thinks it would be a really good way to celebrate our 5 year. Where should we go?
We got back from California a few weeks ago...we went to the Red Bull Air Races for Brians B-day. We seriously had an absolute blast. As life gets harder with bills, our careers and all that, it is really nice to get away and play together. Brian and I are such "adults" when we are apart but when we are together we bring out the kids in each other...and I love that. B and I got together when I was 17 and I still feel 17 today because he is in my life reminding me everyday that life is fun and doesn't need to be taken so seriously. Can't imagine life without him. Love you boo.
Friday, April 24, 2009
We are gonna do some things we will regret in the morning. ; )

It is pretty much impossible for me to keep up with a personal blog these days. Between my three days a week at work and two days a week in classes I barely have enough time to keep up with my Twitter, Facebook and Myspace let alone checking the mail in my email inbox! I wish that Brian was a writer too, then we would have this thing under control with daily updates.
But for those of you who know "Campbell"..he is far far from the type of guy that would sit down at a computer and write about our life for all to read! Anyway- I realized that I have not
posted anything in a while, and of course, a ton has happened since my last post.
Unfortunately- I am sitting here trying to remember what has been going on and I am drawing a blank. The biggest things would be that Brian got another raise at work and I am two weeks away from the end of my senior year. Crazy. I can't believe I made it through 4 years of college! I still work for TalkingShopping.com as a writer: From home to office, head to toe, talkingshopping is all about the trends, the buzz, the sales and the news about shopping.
BUT- I am am graduating from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication and my concentration has been Public Relations...for those who know me- this comes as no surprise to you. I was pretty much born to be a publicist. Marketing, sales and PR just fits me like a glove. I will keep you posted on my career choices and options.
The last thing I wanted to mention is that Brian recently celebrated his Birthday on April 2nd and my 22nd birthday is June 17th so we are having a duel celebration. We are flying to California for a little fun in the sun the weekend of May 8th! We seriously can't wait....we are going for the Red Bull Air Race which is an international series of air races in which competitors have to navigate a challenging obstacle course in the sky in the fastest time. Pilots fly individually against the clock and have to complete tight turns through a slalom course consisting of pylons, known as "Air Gates". Brian can't wait...it will be like a kid in a candy store.
We need to get out of the house tonight. Not sure what we will do but we are young, not married and don't have kids...so we will prob just go do some things we will regret in the morning. ; ) Just Kidding. TTYL
But for those of you who know "Campbell"..he is far far from the type of guy that would sit down at a computer and write about our life for all to read! Anyway- I realized that I have not
posted anything in a while, and of course, a ton has happened since my last post.
Unfortunately- I am sitting here trying to remember what has been going on and I am drawing a blank. The biggest things would be that Brian got another raise at work and I am two weeks away from the end of my senior year. Crazy. I can't believe I made it through 4 years of college! I still work for TalkingShopping.com as a writer: From home to office, head to toe, talkingshopping is all about the trends, the buzz, the sales and the news about shopping.
BUT- I am am graduating from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication and my concentration has been Public Relations...for those who know me- this comes as no surprise to you. I was pretty much born to be a publicist. Marketing, sales and PR just fits me like a glove. I will keep you posted on my career choices and options.
The last thing I wanted to mention is that Brian recently celebrated his Birthday on April 2nd and my 22nd birthday is June 17th so we are having a duel celebration. We are flying to California for a little fun in the sun the weekend of May 8th! We seriously can't wait....we are going for the Red Bull Air Race which is an international series of air races in which competitors have to navigate a challenging obstacle course in the sky in the fastest time. Pilots fly individually against the clock and have to complete tight turns through a slalom course consisting of pylons, known as "Air Gates". Brian can't wait...it will be like a kid in a candy store.
We need to get out of the house tonight. Not sure what we will do but we are young, not married and don't have kids...so we will prob just go do some things we will regret in the morning. ; ) Just Kidding. TTYL
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentine's Day & our 4 1/2 Year Anniversary!

We had dinner at Maggiano's Little Italy in Scottsdale, it took me by total surprise when the hostess led us through the restaraunt past all of the other guests to a quiet back room with soft lighting. I figured we would be stuck with the regular crowd...guess Brian knew better. It was so much fun, very memorable. p.s I got a Coach wallet... ; )

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Senior Stressin' Balls Man!
Well y'all, school is back in action and i am officially a full blown basket-case. I know that Senior year of college is the most difficult with upper division classes and all but I am off of my rocker. I have always had school by the balls, but this semester is a different story. I just feel like there are too many things I have to do and that there aren't enough hours in the day to do them.
Brian is (of course) my rock. He totally keeps me grounded and reminds me that the worst that can happen isn't so bad. In fact, I was telling him the other day that he is "refreshing." Of course, I had to explain this to him...It's like when a parent spends time with their child, they are reminded of all of the little things that can bring joy to your life. Brian is sooo refreshing in that way, he never takes life too seriously and always seems to get the greatest joy out of the smallest things. I really admire that.
Anyway, my classes are tough...I have back to back classes 7am to 7pm two days a week so that I can work the other three days a week. (I'm not a happy camper without money...so i gotta keep workin')
Brian really likes his job here, except for the waking up at 6am part! His old boss from the BLM called him last week to see if he'd be coming back next season. Brian said "no."
We are stuck together now. Best glue ever! ; )
Brian is (of course) my rock. He totally keeps me grounded and reminds me that the worst that can happen isn't so bad. In fact, I was telling him the other day that he is "refreshing." Of course, I had to explain this to him...It's like when a parent spends time with their child, they are reminded of all of the little things that can bring joy to your life. Brian is sooo refreshing in that way, he never takes life too seriously and always seems to get the greatest joy out of the smallest things. I really admire that.
Anyway, my classes are tough...I have back to back classes 7am to 7pm two days a week so that I can work the other three days a week. (I'm not a happy camper without money...so i gotta keep workin')
Brian really likes his job here, except for the waking up at 6am part! His old boss from the BLM called him last week to see if he'd be coming back next season. Brian said "no."
We are stuck together now. Best glue ever! ; )
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Not Too Shabby for Our First House!
I took a crap load of pictures of our house before Christmas so that we could take some home and show em' to my aunts and uncles...here are a few that I took the week before Christmas!
The house is huge, it's 3 bedrooms 2 bath with a 2 car garage! The master bedroom is enourmous...we have a huge bed, 2 couches, a coffee table, a fridge and a big computer desk in our room!
My favorite part of the house is the kitchen...it has a center island in it and it's right next to the living room...so it's easy to entertain and chat while I cook.
Brian's fave part is probably the backyard...it's huge. We are saving up to get a pool in there by 2012! Come visit us...there is a ton of space for visiters!
Our casa with the lights Brian put up. He says he wants it to look like the Clark Griswalds house in that one movie called Christmas Vacation next year! Can't wait.
Our Tree! Pretty good for our first tree ever together! My mom gave us a few decorations...in fact she gave us the tree itself! She had three...so she figured she could part with at least one! ; )
The house is huge, it's 3 bedrooms 2 bath with a 2 car garage! The master bedroom is enourmous...we have a huge bed, 2 couches, a coffee table, a fridge and a big computer desk in our room!
My favorite part of the house is the kitchen...it has a center island in it and it's right next to the living room...so it's easy to entertain and chat while I cook.
Brian's fave part is probably the backyard...it's huge. We are saving up to get a pool in there by 2012! Come visit us...there is a ton of space for visiters!
Our casa with the lights Brian put up. He says he wants it to look like the Clark Griswalds house in that one movie called Christmas Vacation next year! Can't wait.

Finally Got Our Halloween 2008 Pictures!

It was our first Halloween in our new casa so we had to do it right. So, we got pumkins and everything!
Here are the pics of the ones we carved and put out front.
P.S-The little kids in our neighborhood are like the cutest things ever! I can't wait to dress my baby up to trick-r-treat....actually I can wait! LOL that's at least 5 years away according to our plans!

I did the cat on the right and Brian did Dracula on the left! I know..they are freaking good aren't they?!
Oh...YES, I did dress up. It was seriously so freakin fun. We had like 13 bags of candy and it was gone by like 10. Probably because I couldn't resist giving each tot at least 5 pieces! LOL Brian kept telling me to stop...but I love spoiling kids. ; )
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Handyman Extraordinaire!
Um...wow. I'm not sure what's got into Brian but he has been a handyman gangsta for the last three days. He's completed about 40 projects and I must say it's kinda exciting! Granted, he's been working on the "honey-do" list it took me 4 months to create so he's been working until midnight each night...so i'm not seeing too much of him! : (
Today he built a huge shelving unit(floor to seeling) in the garage! P.S- wood at home depot aint cheep people! But it gave him a chance to use a ton of the tools he got for christmas.
Me, i'v been working, cooking and cleaning. Standard. I actually have been writin' a story for this Cheerleading magazine about this amazing squad who does all this community service. Makes me wanna get more involved...ya know?!
Also, I got a raise today at work...I was totally excited when she sent me the email. No dramatic change... these days every little bit helps. Speaking of work, Brian starts working for Precision Media Systems or PMS as I like to call it...on Monday. He's had a fab 2 months off since the fire season ended...but the fun is over. Time to bring home the bacon again...LOL!
Classes start up for me on the 20th...not looking foward to it so much.
Today he built a huge shelving unit(floor to seeling) in the garage! P.S- wood at home depot aint cheep people! But it gave him a chance to use a ton of the tools he got for christmas.
Me, i'v been working, cooking and cleaning. Standard. I actually have been writin' a story for this Cheerleading magazine about this amazing squad who does all this community service. Makes me wanna get more involved...ya know?!
Also, I got a raise today at work...I was totally excited when she sent me the email. No dramatic change... these days every little bit helps. Speaking of work, Brian starts working for Precision Media Systems or PMS as I like to call it...on Monday. He's had a fab 2 months off since the fire season ended...but the fun is over. Time to bring home the bacon again...LOL!
Classes start up for me on the 20th...not looking foward to it so much.
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