About Me

Phoenix, AZ, United States
Brian and I met in early 2003. We were married August 6 2011 and we are expecting a baby boy named Macoy in October 2013. Life without love like ours just wouldn't be worth it!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

TWO love birds, ONE map and FOUR az lakes to visit in ONE day.

Brian decided to surprise me this morning with something he had planned. It took me off gaurd a bit because he doesn't do that. For those of you that know us, it comes as no surprise that I am the official event cordinator in our relationship. He is the master of V-day's, anniversaries and other special occasions but when it comes to the everyday stuff and weekend plans...I usually do the dirty work. But today was different. When we woke up he told me to put sneakers on and grab a sweater because we were leaving for the day. I was really excited until we went outside and I saw that the truck was loaded with outdoorzee stuff like his camo packpack, guns and cardboard targets. (Not exactly my idea of a romatic set of goods, ya know?)

Once my eyes caught the shovel laying in the back of the truck, I looked at him and asked if he was planning to kill me. He assured me it was a necessary safety precaution for any road trip to an unexplored area and we hit the road.

To make a (could be excrusiatingly long) story short, we enjoyed a 5 hour road trip together. Visiting multiple lakes allong the way, we ran into a cactus mountain, a full blown rainbow and even a few waterfalls. It was seriously amazing and we both found it to be really relaxing. And, just when I though it couldn't get any better-he took me to Cafe Rio for dinner!

Take a look at some of the pics I took today!

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