About Macoy:
- 15 pounds 4 oz (95%)
- 23 1/4 tall (75%)
- 16 inch head circumference (90%)
- He is such a handsome little boy!!! Pictures seriously do not do him justice. He has the most perfect and chubby little face, arms and legs! His skin and hair is as soft as butter and his eyes are the most intense blue you could ever imagine.
- He's so aware and wide-eyed, with big smiles and cute little coos.
- He sticks his tongue out and kicks his feet like crazy!
- He's still sleeping in his monkey chair. We have only put him in his crib 2 or 3 times and it didn't go well so we are sticking with the monkey chair a little longer. I love it because I pull it close to our bed and I can peek over to check on him without getting out of bed at night!
- He sleeps for 6 hour stretches at night (9 hours last night) and takes 3-4 naps a day (1-3 hours each).
- He doesn't need to be swaddled anymore to calm down or fall asleep. He hasn't been swaddled since he was a month old and we aren't looking back.
- He loves to eat! I think he maybe eats a little more than he should at this age... 5oz to 6oz each feeding. I thinks he's eating about 40oz a day. I transitioned from breastfeeding to bottles when he was 1 month and as of last week he now takes formula.
- He lifts and turns his head during tummy time!
- He smiles...and it's not just because he's gassy anymore!
- He follows with his eyes when we walk by or shake a rattle from far left to far right.
- He loves his baths. I give him one every other day. I might start doing it every night because it really relaxes him!
- He can grasp his rattle and shake it all on his own.
- He is nice and chubby with rolls for days. He wears size 2 diapers and 3 month clothing. The newborn stuff is packed away. We have a ton with tags on it that he never got to wear.
- He does really well around new people and lots of noise. Christmas in Utah with our family was a blast.
- In Macoy's first month, I called him "Burrito" and "turtle" every day. Now I call him "bubb-uz" and "my bug". Brian calls him "bubba" and "monkey"!
- He hates having his picture taken. And, every time I try to capture his cuteness on video, he stops doing whatever he was doing that prompted me to record in the first place. I think he gets this from his daddy.
About Daddy
About Mommy (Me!)- He's so proud that Macoy is getting older and bigger and he forces me to confront that fact daily.
- He thinks Macoy likes me more.
- He's exclusively in charge of a few things like taking out the diapers and tummy time (because Macoy hates it and if I were to be in charge, I would pick him up the second he got fussy.)
- He loves his little boy and is willing to do it all! He seriously couldn't be any more loving or attentive. Seeing him as a daddy melts my heart.
- He's been working full time for the last 5 or so weeks. He only had 2.5 weeks off from work when Macoy was born. When he gets home every day, he comes in and goes straight to Macoy (usually in my arms) to give us both a kiss.
- I'm in denial that Macoy is getting older and bigger.
- I think Macoy likes his daddy a little more.
- It took longer for things to "click" for me than it does for most moms. The truth is that being a mommy just didn't come natural to me at first. The transition was rough for me because I really didn't expect that to be the case. It (my connection with my baby and my surrender of my old life) took some time. Although there are still aspects that I struggle with in motherhood, I'm on the other side now and I can't imagine life without Macoy in it.
- I still look at Macoy sometimes and can't believe he's mine. I find myself drifting off and thinking about his birthday and what a miracle it is to grow and deliver a baby!
- I have to make a conscious effort daily to not ignore/neglect my needs and the needs of my husband. It's very easy for me to get a laser focus on Macoy and forget everything else, even the basics like feeding myself or asking how my husbands day at work was! Having Macoy has completely changed my life and it's an adjustment that takes some effort to strike a healthy balance.
- I have 18 pounds to loose to get back to pre prego weight.
- I'm finally getting some sleep! Not a ton but far more than when he was only 1 month old.
- My maternity leave ends this week. My first day back is this Thursday. I will be working only p/t (2-3 days a week) the month of January. Macoy will be going to daycare. I'm nervous about it but hopeful that it will work well for our little family. If it doesn't, we will go to plan B.
- Since I was 17, I have set my eyes on and planned for the next big thing. Graduating HS, moving away, living on my own, starting a career, graduating from college, becoming a wife, owning a home, becoming a mom. Today, I am finally content. I have everything I have ever wanted and I'm not focused on what's next. I'm just enjoying the moment because these moments are what I have spent the last 10 years working toward. It may not seem like much to some people but it is everything to me.
We are blessed. We have a beautiful home, successful careers, loving family and everything that we could ever need to care for our new addition. There is so much love between the three of us and I am SO PROUD to be Macoy's mom.
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