Yes, it was partly the culture shock of moving from a small-town to a big city. Yes, it was partly the social experiences that I took in from joining a sorority to networking and making proffesional connections that would pave the way for my carreer and yes, it was in part, the ability to get away from family, my high-school boyfriend and everything else I knew that allowed me the space and the opportunity to become the person I wanted to become.
Today, few things are the same as they were 5 years ago. But I can honestly say-taking that leap...moving away and tackling what seemed like an impossible goal at the time has proved to be more than worth it. The sence of accomplishment will go unmatched throughout the rest of my life. This is one thing i did on my own, for myself and nobody else. It's a wonderful feeling to have something to show for a half decade of hard work that CAN NOT BE TAKEN AWAY.
I am so thankful to my family who stuck with me through the hard times and made this accomplishment possible. I also have to give a shout out to that "high-school" boyfriend I mentioned above who fought for me and growed with me through this experience. He is my best friend and will make a wonderfull husband and father.
The tassle was worth the hassle. ;) Happy graduation to me!
New Year/New Decade:
With a degree in hand, the future looks bright! With a future-husband by my side, I can see many smiles and laughs on the horizon. The new year and fresh decade ahead seem to offer a blank canvas that I can't paint however I want!
Brian and I both have amazing jobs that we have each been at for about a year. My marketing firm and his audio-installation company are both doing VERY WELL despite the current state of the economy. As a result of this company sucess, B and I have both recieved raises and are well on our way to the careers we have always hoped for.
This year is sure to have alot in store for B & I. We have spent the past 6 years getting to know eachother and have focused on getting education and careers in order. Now that graduation has come and gone, our plans as a couple can take priority. I always tell people that we have been planning a marriage not a wedding. And, we are both very excited to see our dreams of becomming a family of our own come to fruition.
My new years resolution is to blog more. This year we will be posting a ton of fun adventures. Thus far we have a week-long cruise planned for March and a friend's wedding in Cancun to look foward to. STAY TUNED!
Few pics below from my graduation. (All others are on my Facebook)

Hurray you did it!! Sorry I could not be there. Oh leave it to Erik to ruin the picture. He is so wierd but I love him! Erik is already planning another trip for us to come out.