Well, I'm not the kind of woman who wants to wakes up early every morning to a crying baby. I don't spend the day at the park and I can't cook so why should I be home to put dinner on the table at 5? I'm just not the housewife or stay-at-home mom type...not yet anyway! In fact I can't cook at all. I burned soup today. True story. But there is something I am good at and that I was meant to do. I am meant to be a career woman that get's up every morning, hits a starbucks and powers through the day with full force. I love my job and I was meant to do it. MARKETING, public relations, media relations, websites, brochures, graphic design, writing, project management and client relations are my thing.
I will admit that I bite off a bit more than I can chew sometimes. And I admit that I have had days in which I get angry phone calls from screaming clients. And I admit that my days are often consumed by the stress of multiple pending projects on deadline. But, fast pace works for me. Long nights and 60 hour work weeks work for me. It works for me because I love the people I work with, I love my office and I want to give my clients what they pay for. Many companies/businesses (both large and small) think they can't afford marketing in today's economy. The truth is that you can't afford NOT TO HAVE marketing. You can't attract business if 1)people don't know you exist and 2) if people don't buy into your image. A strong, competent marketing firm can do just that and more.
ANYWAY (that was an F'n tangent) I wok late, I never turn down overtime and Iv been known to eat lunch while sending emails. Even working 40+ hour weeks, I get to spend the weekends doing WHATEVER I want. We travel, go on Stay-cations, full blown vacations and can do things with just a moments notice. That works for me right now. Everytime someone asks me when I am settling down, having children...etc I want to shake them and say... I AM 22 F'n years old!!!
Flip SIde: I have a feeling that the moment I have the big office, the big house, the great cars, the big paychecks and my own company with 15-30 people working for me....that's when I will realize that all I want is to wake up every morning, put the kids in the stroller and go to the zoo. The best part about that is that when that day comes, I can do it. I can leave my job, sell my company and have babies! With no regrets and no "what-if" moments.
So to those who have asked me...That's what I am working for.
I snapped a few pics of my office. --Check it out.
Kailen! Cute blog! And VERY Cute office!!