About Me

Phoenix, AZ, United States
Brian and I met in early 2003. We were married August 6 2011 and we are expecting a baby boy named Macoy in October 2013. Life without love like ours just wouldn't be worth it!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Senior Stressin' Balls Man!

Well y'all, school is back in action and i am officially a full blown basket-case. I know that Senior year of college is the most difficult with upper division classes and all but I am off of my rocker. I have always had school by the balls, but this semester is a different story. I just feel like there are too many things I have to do and that there aren't enough hours in the day to do them.

Brian is (of course) my rock. He totally keeps me grounded and reminds me that the worst that can happen isn't so bad. In fact, I was telling him the other day that he is "refreshing." Of course, I had to explain this to him...It's like when a parent spends time with their child, they are reminded of all of the little things that can bring joy to your life. Brian is sooo refreshing in that way, he never takes life too seriously and always seems to get the greatest joy out of the smallest things. I really admire that.

Anyway, my classes are tough...I have back to back classes 7am to 7pm two days a week so that I can work the other three days a week. (I'm not a happy camper without money...so i gotta keep workin')

Brian really likes his job here, except for the waking up at 6am part! His old boss from the BLM called him last week to see if he'd be coming back next season. Brian said "no."

We are stuck together now. Best glue ever! ; )

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